Most Asked Questions About Studying at Japanese Universities On Part 1

The academic year of Japanese schools normally start in April and ends in March the following year. However, there are many schools (namely graduate schools) in Japan that allow September or October admissions.

In principle. you must have completed 12 years of education to apply for admission to a university (undergraduate), junior college, or professional training college in Japan.

Furthermore, you must have completed 11 years of education to apply for admission to a college of technology and 16 years of education, for admission to a graduate school (master’s program).

In principle, the required period of study for an undergraduate program is 4 years.

An MA in Japan usually takes 2 years to complete.

Correct! The average duration of a PhD in Japan is 3 years, but you are required to have obtained a two-year masters course in order to enter a PhD. The duration of a doctorate program in medicine, dentistry, veterinary and pharmacy (six-year program) is 4 years. See page 5 of JASSO日本留学ガイドブック “Student Guide to Japan” for more details.


Correct! You should consult the website or admissions office of your university of choice for further details.